News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Girl traps foot in Minion toy robot in Oldbury 0 bbc
Councils fight back over plans for fewer authorities 0 bbc
Parliament restoration plan could cost up to £5.7bn 0 bbc
Deland Allman found guilty of murdering fiancée 1 bbc
Switching on good memories 'perk up' stressed mice 1 bbc
Best-selling bottled ale Doom Bar not brewed in Cornwall 2 bbc
Tube drivers vote for strike action over 24 hour Tube 2 bbc
Jesus miracle church in Israel damaged 'by arson' 1 bbc
Spot checks on 22 mental health wards across Wales 1 bbc
Watch: Andy Burnham and Liz Kendall clash in Labour leadership hustings over who comes first - the party or the country 0 independent
Tube drivers overwhelmingly vote for 24-hour strike next month 0 independent
The green Pope: how religion can do economics a favour 0 guardian
Peckham baby death attack accused appears in court 6 bbc
Hillsborough families support call for public inquiry into policing at Orgreave 0 guardian
Telegraph website wins battle for general election readers 0 guardian
Frank Field, Jesse Norman and Meg Hillier elected to chair committees 0 guardian