News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Game firm Ubisoft acknowledges 'hard' year 1 bbc
Former colleague blocked release of tape of Tim Carmody abusing judges 1 guardian
Majestic's Rowan Gormley reveals plans to get retailer on course 0 independent
Nationwide accounts 'disappear' online after weekend IT upgrade 0 independent
David Cameron avoids backbench revolt by agreeing not to hold EU referendum alongside any other elections 0 independent
Bashir Case Shows International Criminal Court’s Limitations 3 nytimes
Bronwyn Bishop suggests Gillian Triggs resign and run for office – politics live 4 guardian
Jeb Bush launches 'optimistic' campaign for president 8 bbc
France basilica fire: Saint-Donatien in Nantes in ruins 6 bbc
Pope Francis Calls for Climate Action in Draft of Encyclical 2 nytimes
Russian TV man defies state 'propaganda' 0 bbc
Denmark election: A close race for the status quo 0 bbc
Cyprus peace talks: Rocky road to reunification 0 bbc
Migrants: What can Europe achieve? 0 bbc
Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton’s Confidant, Turns Over Memos on Libya 0 nytimes
Israeli Helped Inspire U.S.-Russia Weapons Deal With Assad, Memoir Says 0 nytimes