News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Plymouth primary school bans handstands and cartwheels 2 bbc
Double divorces on the rise as ex-spouses bring new claims against their former partners 1 independent
Boris Johnson defends Sir Tim Hunt's 'sexist' remarks 1 bbc
Mother of al-Shabab's Thomas Evans says 'world has fallen apart' 1 bbc
Syria-bound fears over Bradford family missing after Saudi pilgrimage 3 bbc
Dunmurry fire: Three families left homeless 4 bbc
Chad suicide attacks kill many in N'Djamena 4 bbc
'Lack of diversity' among Scottish school heads 3 bbc
Pope Francis letter on climate change leaked: Draft Vatican encyclical released three days early 0 independent
Colorado's highest court says workers can be fired for using marijuana off-duty even though it is legal in the state 2 independent
Dewsbury 'in shock over UK's youngest suicide bomber' 12 bbc
Release 'critical' reports into privately run immigration centres, ICO orders 1 guardian
Chilcot report into Iraq war 'unlikely to be published for another year' 4 independent
Thomas Cook links up with Chinese company to profit from tourist boom 0 guardian
Georgia police accused of unnecessarily shooting zoo animals in wake of floods 0 guardian
Ofsted: too many schools give 'scrappy worksheets' out to use for homework 0 guardian