News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Arlington police officer fired for fatally shooting Christian Taylor 0 independent
One Year Since Polio Case Is Milestone in Africa 2 nytimes
Labor says Australia has only two choices: Tony Abbott or marriage equality – politics live 5 guardian
Hillary Clinton holds private meeting with Black Lives Matter activists 1 guardian
Tentative Greek Debt Accord Might Do Little to Revive Economy 0 nytimes
Head of Group Opposing Iran Accord Quits Post, Saying He Backs Deal 0 nytimes
New Route to Conversion Challenges Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Establishment 4 nytimes
Indigenous or American, we need to protect black bodies everywhere 0 guardian
Ferguson: Tyrone Harris 'shown drawing gun' in video before shooting 0 guardian
Family dog found dead with note saying: 'We beat it to death lol!' 0 independent
China's currency devaluation sends global exporters reeling 0 independent
Australia's biggest bank posts record results 0 bbc
Listen to the sex workers – but which ones? 2 guardian
New York police union collecting images of city's homeless 1 bbc
Hillary Clinton to hand over email server to the FBI 1 bbc
Same-sex marriage: Warren Entsch urges Tony Abbott to allow public vote on election day 1 guardian