News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Norway flooding: video shows houses swept away following worst storm in 200 years 0 independent
Germany made secret pact with Turkey for the EU to take half a million Syrian refugees, says Hungarian Prime Minister 1 independent
Greece crisis: Alexis Tsipras lashes out as tempers fray ahead of Tuesday deadline 2 independent
We must stop 'shilly-shallying' about the fact that Christians are most persecuted people, says Cardinal Vincent Nichols 1 independent
Scottish Parliament set to be handed control over abortion laws 1 independent
David Cameron Defends Flood Record as Northern England Is Drenched 1 nytimes
Terror attacks: From Paris to Mali – a week in the life of a new global conflict 1 independent
The US states where it is and is not legal to drive with a dog on your lap, past a funeral procession or while drinking 0 independent
How much Mark Zuckerberg has left after giving away 99% of his Facebook shares 1 independent
Will air strikes in Syria really make 60 million Britons more of a target for Isis? 1 independent
How Japan's obsession with toilets produced some of the world's best bathrooms 1 independent
A boulder of debt keeps threatening to roll back and crush Glencore 1 independent
'Isis' beheading: Islamist decapitates boss and tries to blow up factory near Lyon 12 independent
Civilities: A gay Duke student threatened with death speaks out 0 washpo
Girl breaks the internet with photo of her holding an owl 0 independent
4 bodies including cartel co-founder found on Mexico highway 0 washpo