News Article Title Version Source Discovered
UK wage growth at six-year high, Carney talks interest rates - live updates 9 guardian
US has trained only 'four or five' Syrian fighters against Isis, top general testifies 0 guardian
Paris climate summit pledges won't avoid dangerous warming – UK and UN 0 guardian
Can video replay work in soccer? MLS thinks so 1 guardian
Migrants Clash With Police in Hungary, as Others Enter Croatia 7 nytimes
Broadmoor hospital rated inadequate by watchdog 2 guardian
'Microbial birthday suit' for C-section babies 1 bbc
Refugee crisis: Hungary uses teargas and water cannon at Serbia border – live 14 guardian
Hungarian riot police use water cannon against refugees 0 guardian
Marseille in spotlight once again as La Castellane drug trial begins 0 guardian
Man suffers fractured neck, third degree burns and has hole blown through the roof of his mouth after e-cigarette exp... 0 independent
Pictures reveal what refugees take with them when they run for their lives 0 independent
Government sees off rebellion to win vote on working tax credit cuts 3 guardian
Mecca crane collapse: 107 dead at Saudi Arabia's Grand Mosque 8 bbc
Ahmed Mohamed: Dallas teenager arrested for homemade clock says 'I have lost my innocence' 1 independent
Jeremy Corbyn’s first PMQs: Guardian writers’ verdict 2 guardian