News Article Title Version Source Discovered
India's Taj Mahal damaged by constant cleaning of insect poop 1 rtcom
Hubble telescope captures Mars image on eve of opposition phenomenon 0 rtcom
Okinawans protest murder by ex-Marine ahead of Obama’s Japan visit 0 rtcom
Austrian Far-Right Candidate Norbert Hofer Narrowly Loses Presidential Vote 4 nytimes
Mother who tried to move family to Syria ordered to give up children 0 guardian
Goldman Sachs told Arcadia about BHS buyer's bankruptcies 2 bbc
North Yorkshire council backs first UK fracking tests for five years 2 guardian
Mohamed Nasheed: Former Maldives president 'given UK asylum' 0 bbc
Most victims of US mass shootings are black, data analysis finds 1 guardian
If America wants to defeat the Islamic State, we must get the politics right 0 washpo
IMF tells EU it must give Greece unconditional debt relief 1 guardian
Two dozen Guantánamo detainees poised for release under Obama deals 1 guardian
Vote Leave’s campaign of fear will cause lasting divisions 0 guardian
Nile Crocodiles Found Really Far Out of Africa. In Florida. 0 nytimes
British Muslim convert jailed over plan to take children to Isis in Syria 1 guardian
Vote Leave’s campaign of fear will cause lasting divisions 0 guardian