News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ben Butler trial: Letters describe couple's turbulent relationship 0 bbc
Baltimore's low-income voters on who they're supporting for president 0 guardian
James Webb's mirror is revealed 1 bbc
South Sudan rebel chief Riek Machar sworn in as vice-president 4 bbc
In 1989 Hillsborough Stadium Disaster, Police Are Faulted for Deaths of 96 5 nytimes
Crimean Supreme Court bans Tatar Mejlis as extremist organization 0 rtcom
Junior doctors' strike: All-out stoppage 'a bleak day' 16 bbc
Show Boat: the classic musical still shipshape after all these years 0 guardian
Shawarmageddon: Moscow authorities threaten to ban kebabs 0 guardian
How the Sun's 'truth' about Hillsborough unravelled 0 guardian
'This affects all football fans': readers react to the Hillsborough verdict 0 guardian
Hillsborough families call for South Yorkshire police chief to quit 0 guardian
Six-year-olds need delight, not drilling – this grammar regime is a farce 0 guardian
Papa Wemba, Congolese King of ‘Rumba Rock,’ Is Dead at 66 0 nytimes
Leicester 'cannabis mum' jailed over fatal crash 2 bbc
As Men Return From Syria, Europe Weighs Security vs. Civil Liberties 0 nytimes