News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Manchester Asda brings in 'quiet hour' for autistic shoppers 2 bbc
Giulio Regeni: Egyptian police investigate Reuters news agency over article on Italian student's death 0 independent
Hillary Clinton rejects endorsement of billionaire Charles Koch over climate change 0 independent
Queen's party planner reveals royal plan for 'boring' guests 0 independent
London Marathon 2016: Major Tim Peake launches race 15 bbc
Editor of Bangladesh's first LGBT magazine hacked to death 1 independent
Obamacare disaster will be Obama’s enduring domestic legacy 0 washpo
Sad about Prince? Show some respect and break out the purple 0 guardian
Editor of Bangladesh's first LGBT magazine killed, reports say 0 guardian
Why Bristol stinks of vinegar and Oxford whiffs of Wotsits 0 guardian
How are eating disorders treated in Japan? Share your story 0 guardian
Nicola Sturgeon urges PM to honour pledge on Clyde shipbuilding jobs 0 guardian
Junior doctors: 'over half could quit NHS England over Hunt's contract' 0 guardian
Cruz and Kasich make anti-Trump pact as Sanders boasts of future support – campaign live 1 guardian
Cyclist who sexually assaulted 15 women and girls aged 11-57 jailed for four years 2 independent
Cleveland must pay $6mn to family of Tamir Rice, 12yo fatally shot by police 1 rtcom