News Article Title Version Source Discovered
We can celebrate Harriet Tubman without disparaging Andrew Jackson 0 washpo
What’s the real gender pay gap? 0 washpo
2016’s scrambled coalitions 0 washpo
Orphanage Founder From Africa Wins Prize in Memory of Armenian Genocide 0 nytimes
Israel Frees Palestinian Girl, 12, Who Tried to Stab Guard 0 nytimes
Thousands worldwide demand that Turkey recognize Armenian genocide on 101st anniversary 1 rtcom
Serbs vote in election seen as test of PM's pro-EU path 1 guardian
‘Zero communication’: Latest DC metro incident leads to massive online outrage 1 rtcom
It’s a Stretch, but Mitch McConnell Is Reaching Across the Aisle 0 nytimes
Rip Off Britain: Faeces bacteria found on KFC ice 1 bbc
How can you tell the restaurant you're eating in is clean? 0 bbc
Co-op funeral apprenticeship for ex-detective aged 67 0 bbc
What's behind China's cheap steel exports? 0 bbc
Undrawing my tattoos 0 bbc
Fear over eating disorder care in Japan 0 bbc
EE aims to improve 4G and relocate customer services 0 bbc