News Article Title Version Source Discovered
EE aims to improve 4G and relocate customer services 0 bbc
Novelist and poet Nan Shepherd to appear on RBS £5 note 0 bbc
Barack Obama to send more soldiers to fight Islamic State in Syria 0 guardian
How bathrooms and transgender rights have become a flash point in the GOP race 0 washpo
Thousands worldwide demand that Turkey recognize Armenian genocide on 101st anniversary 0 rtcom
Heng on Afghanistan’s Struggling Government 0 nytimes
No Need for Holmes. Obama Sheds Light on a Winston Churchill Mystery. 0 nytimes
Phonics method helps close attainment gap, study finds 0 guardian
San Francisco Torn as Some See ‘Street Behavior’ Worsen 1 nytimes
Burton-upon-Trent woman 'butchered' by dentist 0 bbc
The man who bet his house on his mobile phone invention 0 bbc
Rip Off Britain: Faeces bacteria found on KFC ice 0 bbc
Essex UKIP accused of false election signature 0 bbc
Viagra-style drug 'sold illegally' at Southampton 'legal high' shop 0 bbc
The verdict on both sides of the EU referendum campaign - you can’t believe either of them 0 independent
Turkey’s Crackdown on Critics of Erdogan Snares Dutch Journalist 1 nytimes