News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Barack Obama slams Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban as putting 'American values at stake' 1 independent
Trump's immigration ban: which cases are in play and what happens next 0 guardian
Trump travel ban: Thousands join protests across UK 4 bbc
Backlash against Trump migration order grows as Obama issues warning 4 guardian
Gin is safe: Juniper added to national seed bank 1 bbc
Trump Supporters Applaud Immigration Order as a ‘Welcome Change’ 0 nytimes
Immigration Ban Is Unlikely to Reduce Terrorist Threat, Experts Say 4 nytimes
The 11 Supreme Court judges who ruled on UK's Brexit appeal 3 bbc
Travelers Stranded and Protests Swell Over Trump Order 11 nytimes
Sean Spicer: critics of 'praised' White House Holocaust tribute are 'pathetic' 1 guardian
With May nowhere to be seen, Boris plays a bad hand badly on Trump 1 guardian
Steve Bannon NSC seat risks politicizing national security, former officials warn 3 guardian
The UN Puts a Figure on the Refugees Impacted: 20,000 10 nytimes
Trump: Executive order signed on business regulations 4 bbc
Republicans Have One Big Incentive to Stick With Trump 1 nytimes
Suspect Is Held in Quebec Mosque Shooting That Killed 6 6 nytimes