News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Arrest over car stolen with owner clinging to bonnet 0 bbc
Appeal over Poynton lake death detective Leanne McKie 0 bbc
In the U.S., 110 Million S.T.D. Infections 2 nytimes
There’s no crisis of free speech. Milo’s campus crusade is rank hypocrisy 3 guardian
Catalan referendum: 'Hundreds hurt' as police try to stop voters 3 bbc
On-duty NYPD officers 'handcuffed 17-year-old girl, took her to deserted spot and raped her' 0 independent
Catalonia referendum: Firefighters attacked by Spanish police as they form human shield to protect voters 1 independent
French soldiers shoot dead knife attacker who, shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’, killed 2 in Marseille 4 rtcom
Who is hurt by Trump's new refugee quota? People like Roqayah Mohammed 1 guardian
Russia election probe: Congress looks to Silicon Valley to uncover possible interference in 2016 vote 1 independent
Puerto Rico: Trump lashes out at San Juan mayor over Maria response 8 bbc
First same-sex couple to marry in Germany celebrate after long wait 0 guardian
Vivienne Westwood’s secret to staying young: don’t wash too much 0 guardian
Dozens Injured as Catalans Defy Spain and Vote on Independence 7 nytimes
Hundreds injured as Spanish riot police try to stop referendum voters in Catalonia 2 independent
Donald Trump rejects diplomatic solution with North Korea's 'Little Rocket Man' saying 'we'll do what has to be done' 0 independent