News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Germany welcomes Turkey's Erdogan with gritted teeth 0 bbc
‘As a Rape Survivor, I Was Shaking in My Chair’ as Christine Blasey Ford Testified 1 nytimes
Brett Kavanaugh's credibility has not survived this devastating hearing 0 guardian
Justine Damond shooting: police officer loses bid to have case thrown out 0 guardian
Thousands of Syrians displaced as threat of Idlib attack grows 2 guardian
How to Judge Sexual Assault Claims 1 nytimes
In Emotional Hearing, Kavanaugh and Blasey Present Senators With Stark Choice 4 nytimes
10 Frequently Asked Wedding Etiquette Questions 4 nytimes
'You'll never get me to quit': Kavanaugh delivers angry rebuke to Senate panel 8 guardian
Day-to-day effects of no-deal Brexit stressed in new impact papers 8 guardian
Dominic Raab and business leaders clash after minister's Brexit comments 3 guardian
Brett Kavanaugh denies Christine Blasey Ford sex assault claim 1 bbc
Idlib hospitals at breaking point in last rebel stronghold 0 bbc
These are strange times for Jewish socialists 1 guardian
Doing Right by Sick 9/11 Workers 0 nytimes
Kavanaugh refuses to say yes to FBI inquiry as Republicans erupt at 'sham' hearing – live updates 18 guardian