News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Labour has shifted focus from bingo to quinoa, say swing voters 1 guardian
Matt Hancock has made big pledges to fix NHS IT - he must now deliver 1 guardian
Vince Cable to step down 'after Brexit is resolved or stopped' 1 guardian
NHS preparing for disruption to supplies from no-deal Brexit 1 guardian
Prevent let the Parsons Green bomber through the net. That can’t happen again 1 guardian
SNP gifts May a hissy-fit to take her out of the limelight at PMQs 1 guardian
Nigel Farage portrait fails to attract buyers at art show 1 guardian
Head teachers protest at Downing Street funding rally 0 bbc
Placenta complications: 'Women must know the risks' 0 bbc
'It’s not if, it’s when': the deadly pig disease spreading around the world 1 guardian
Boris Johnson urges Theresa May to scrap Chequers plan 1 guardian
Theresa May must call the DUP’s bluff – this EU deal has to happen 5 guardian
GCSEs: boys close gap on girls after exams overhaul 2 guardian
Pompeo Hails Talks With North Korea but Says Sanctions Must Continue 3 nytimes
'The most unethical sham': Lindsey Graham rails at Kavanaugh FBI probe demands (VIDEO) 1 rtcom
Brett Kavanaugh’s Opening Statement: Full Transcript 1 nytimes