News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Take R Kelly’s smug face off Spotify altogether 3 guardian
The Guardian view on bias in Britain: good intentions are not enough 2 guardian
Restaurant tries marijuana for lobsters to take the edge off being boiled 2 guardian
This is a vital study of racial bias. Now will Britain take heed? 2 guardian
Revealed: the stark evidence of everyday racial bias in Britain 2 guardian
Met officer tells Grenfell inquiry of evacuation concerns 3 guardian
China to send delegation for US talks to avert trade war 3 guardian
Nissan becomes latest manufacturer to warn against hard Brexit 3 guardian
'Khashoggi’s death cannot go unpunished': Yemeni Nobel laureate 4 guardian
UK government criticised over change in death penalty stance on Isis pair 9 guardian
Italian deputy PM calls on French voters not to back Macron 0 guardian
Microsoft to require contractors to offer paid parental leave 3 guardian
Protests in Kampala as pop star politician blocked from leaving Uganda 3 guardian
Recruiters order Sri Lankan women to take birth control before working in Gulf 5 guardian
Monday US briefing: ‘The last generation that can stop climate change’ 1 guardian
Evans Cycles seeks buyer after failing to mount rescue bid 2 guardian