News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Kabul suicide bomber kills five 5 bbc
Schools open despite funding snub 3 bbc
Mexico challenger rallies support 3 bbc
Schools to offer cooking lessons 2 bbc
Hitler's desk 'may sell for $1m' 2 bbc
'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin killed 9 bbc
Files reveal leaked D-Day plans 1 bbc
Chips down as school term starts 4 bbc
Neighbour is killed in shooting 4 bbc
'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin killed 8 bbc
Schools open despite funding snub 2 bbc
Chips down as school term starts 6 bbc
Neighbour is killed in shooting 7 bbc
Strike may disrupt driving tests 0 bbc
PM 'right' not to name exit date 0 bbc
Presenter Yates joins Doctor Who 0 bbc