News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Smoking addiction advert launched 0 bbc
Housework cuts breast cancer risk 0 bbc
Thousands bid farewell to Brown 5 bbc
Red kites threatened in Scotland 0 bbc
UK arrests over Rwanda genocide 0 bbc
Dirty bomb police numbers to rise 0 bbc
Argentine 'death squad' man held 0 bbc
1976 Falklands invasion warning 0 bbc
Crisis threatened nuclear weapons 0 bbc
UK settles WWII debts to allies 0 bbc
Britons set to go on sales spree 0 bbc
Workers urged to use stalking law 0 bbc
Union anger at axed nursery posts 0 bbc
Chavez to shut down opposition TV 0 bbc
Debt write-off 'at £1.4bn record' 0 bbc
Satellites weigh Africa's water 2 bbc