News Article Title Version Source Discovered
M&S chief hails sales 'recovery' 5 bbc
Why is the price of bread important? 1 bbc
Captured Israeli 'in good health' 2 bbc
New unofficial Saddam film posted 3 bbc
M&S chief hails sales 'recovery' 4 bbc
Fierce clashes shake west Baghdad 3 bbc
Iraq crash kills Turkish workers 1 bbc
Merkel attacks Russian oil cuts 10 bbc
Classroom politics 3 bbc
Nigera loses billions in oil cash 0 bbc
Thailand revises business rules 1 bbc
Classroom politics 2 bbc
US Somali air strikes 'kill many' 20 bbc
Silence for helicopter crash dead 1 bbc
Supermarkets move to cut petrol 3 bbc
Fierce clashes shake west Baghdad 2 bbc