News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Leaders back 'high streets' rally 2 bbc
Leaders back 'high streets' rally 1 bbc
Drugs watchdog faces legal review 1 bbc
Wimpey and Woodrow agree to merge 5 bbc
Ex-minister wins Mauritania poll 5 bbc
New cycling tests to be launched 3 bbc
Seized sailors are 'fit and well' 8 bbc
Sri Lankan rebels launch air raid 23 bbc
Sri Lankan rebels launch air raid 21 bbc
Kabila warns DR Congo's ex-rebel 0 bbc
Jordan backs Mid-East peace plan 0 bbc
Greens consider getting a leader 0 bbc
Egypt votes on divisive reforms 6 bbc
NI deal struck in historic talks 25 bbc
Ban 'helping smokers to give up' 5 bbc
Tory leader attacks Union debate 2 bbc