News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Brown admits Iraq mistakes made 6 bbc
Stop and quiz powers considered 1 bbc
Iran 'uncovers US spy networks' 0 bbc
Stop and quiz powers considered 0 bbc
Veiled warning on Musharraf rule 0 bbc
Saturday's winning Lotto numbers 1 bbc
Iraq attacks kill eight US troops 1 bbc
Yushchenko orders troops to Kiev 5 bbc
Iraq attacks kill eight US troops 0 bbc
Top surgeon quits training talks 0 bbc
Arson fire is captured on video 1 bbc
Police officers hurt in stabbings 5 bbc
Private sector 'to loan teachers' 7 bbc
Saturday's winning Lotto numbers 0 bbc
'Love triangle' pilot leaves Nasa 1 bbc
Casualties in Jerusalem shooting 3 bbc