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News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Acclaimed columnist Jerry Saltz stirs up storm after saying ‘Republicanism’ should be treated like CORONAVIRUS 1 rtcom
‘Formality’ – Putin clarifies decision not to congratulate Joe Biden after former VP claimed victory in US presidenti... 1 rtcom
Germany regrets US withdrawal from Open Skies Treaty & remains committed to it, foreign minister says 1 rtcom
UFO almost collides with passenger jet on approach to UK airport, shocking report finds pilots had ‘no time to act’ 1 rtcom
2 killed in stabbing rampage at church in San Jose, California 1 rtcom
Frenchman fined for citing 'smash a guy's face in' as reason to leave home during Covid-19 lockdown 1 rtcom
Michigan Board of State Canvassers certifies election results in favor of Biden 1 rtcom
Trump ‘recommends’ to move ahead on ‘initial transition protocols’ while vowing to STRONGLY challenge 2020 election r... 1 rtcom
‘Smooth & peaceful transfer of power’: Biden-Harris transition team celebrates GSA ascertainment as final & definitiv... 1 rtcom
Pentagon to begin providing support for power transition plan ‘immediately’ as Biden gets access to briefings & funding 1 rtcom
Drunken man, armed with axe, takes six children hostage in St Petersburg & threatens to kill them 1 rtcom
Moderna to supply 160 million doses of its Covid-19 vaccine to EU 1 rtcom
Swiss attorney general opens terrorism investigation into attack on 2 women in Lugano department store 1 rtcom
Syrian state media reports ‘Israeli aggression’ near Damascus & in southern Quneitra 1 rtcom
‘Will you be issuing a pardon for yourself?’ Jeering media can’t resist bad puns after Trump pardons Thanksgiving tur... 1 rtcom
Biden approved to receive President’s Daily Brief, gaining access to high-level intelligence – reports 1 rtcom