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News Article Title Version Source Discovered
St. Petersburg adopts strict measures to fight Covid-19: Russia’s second city goes into partial lockdown 1 rtcom
Russian Army signals business as usual despite Covid-19 as Putin okays draft 1 rtcom
Germany sees 4-digit jump in Covid-19 cases to 61,913 as death toll nears 600 1 rtcom
Head of Germany’s Robert Koch Institute defends Covid-19 optimism but says current mortality rate will rise 1 rtcom
12yo girl dies of Covid-19 in Belgium, as country counts 700+ victims 1 rtcom
Spain’s Covid-19 death toll rises by a RECORD 849 overnight, as known cases reach almost 95,000 1 rtcom
British Airways suspends all flights from London's second largest airport Gatwick 1 rtcom
Lower house of Russian Parliament approves fines, jail terms for quarantine offenders 1 rtcom
Iran-Turkey gas pipeline stops functioning after 'terrorist' attack – gas company official (VIDEO) 1 rtcom
Indonesia declares emergency, will suspend all foreign arrivals 1 rtcom
World breaks another grim covid-19 milestone as global cases surpass 800,000 1 rtcom
Head of Russian coronavirus hospital visited by Putin tests positive for Covid-19 – reports 1 rtcom
Taliban team arrives in Kabul for 1st time since 2001, will monitor prisoner release – spokesman 1 rtcom
S. Korea puts back school re-openings, China to postpone university entrance exams 1 rtcom
Russian Covid-19 plane aid to US: Putin asked Trump if he needed help & he accepted, Kremlin spokesman says 1 rtcom
'All fine': Putin takes regular tests, Kremlin reassures public, as chief of сoronavirus hospital diagnosed with Covi... 1 rtcom