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News Article Title Version Source Discovered
HACKED Israeli Defense Minister demands ‘freedom for Palestine,’ tweets out Turkey’s anthem 1 rtcom
Newly-elected Iranian MP dies of coronavirus - reports 1 rtcom
Leader of Italy's co-ruling Democratic Party tests positive for coronavirus 1 rtcom
Chinese hotel ‘used as Covid-19 quarantine site’ COLLAPSES, trapping dozens under rubble (VIDEOS) 1 rtcom
Afghanistan refuses to free Taliban prisoners under US peace deal without ‘executive guarantee’ 1 rtcom
Boys in Brazil land school in scandal as self-styled Nazis saluting classmate as a Fuhrer creating a new ‘REICH’ 1 rtcom
Lebanon defaults on its $1.2 bn Eurobond debt, PM says corruption ‘has eaten the state’ 1 rtcom
‘Medical terrorism’: Zarif blames US sanctions for widening coronavirus outbreak that killed 145 in Iran, including t... 1 rtcom
VIDEOS show aftermath of Covid-19 quarantine hotel collapse in China as rescuers search for dozens trapped under rubble 1 rtcom
Italy ‘QUARANTINES’ 16 MILLION people in Lombardy & 14 other provinces in attempt to stop coronavirus outbreak 1 rtcom
This greeting card is ALIVE! Russian soldiers find fancy way to wish female colleagues a happy Women’s Day (VIDEO) 1 rtcom
It’s ‘Final Destination’ but in real life: Log trailer dropping cargo filmed from oncoming car (VIDEO) 1 rtcom
Coronavirus death toll in Italy rises to 366 from 233 in one day, most cases in Lombardy 1 rtcom
Gunman storms Paris mosque, injures at least 1 & flees the scene 1 rtcom
Brent, WTI oil futures CRASH 20% over OPEC deal failure & coronavirus fears 1 rtcom
Pyongyang launches THREE ‘unidentified projectiles’ – South Korean military 1 rtcom