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News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Germany shuts Philippsburg nuclear plant as it phases out atomic energy 1 rtcom
New Year, new decade: Celebrations ringing in 2020 kick off around the world with incredible fireworks (VIDEOS, PHOTOS) 1 rtcom
This is not warning, it is a threat: Trump declares US embassy in Iraq safe, says Iran will pay ‘big price’ for attack 1 rtcom
‘How’s the climate accord doing?’: Trump rips Macron amid massive pension protests & labor strike 1 rtcom
US troops fire tear gas at protesters moving in on its embassy in Baghdad – reports 1 rtcom
Pope Francis repeatedly SLAPS woman’s hand after she YANKS him toward her (VIDEO) 1 rtcom
New Year’s fire at German zoo kills ALL animals inside monkey sanctuary (VIDEO) 1 rtcom
Australia deploys military aircraft & navy ships to help fire-ravaged communities 1 rtcom
Numerous cars TORCHED during New Year’s Eve mayhem in Strasbourg, France (VIDEOS) 1 rtcom
Netanyahu says he’ll seek immunity from prosecution in corruption cases 1 rtcom
Taiwan’s chief of General Staff missing after helicopter makes emergency landing, rescue effort underway 1 rtcom
Tumblegeddon: Washington state highway buried under 30 feet of TUMBLEWEEDS, trapping drivers (PHOTOS, VIDEO) 1 rtcom
Taiwan’s chief of general staff killed in helicopter crash – military 1 rtcom
China-UK stock trade scheme 'suspended' over Britain's stance on Hong Kong protests 1 rtcom
‘We can break America, but won’t lead Iran to war’ IRGC commander says after US embassy standoff 1 rtcom
Pilots detained as Turkey opens probe on ex-Nissan chief Ghosn's Japan escape via Istanbul – reports 1 rtcom