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News Article Title Version Source Discovered
‘Just like pirates’: Syrian minister says US controls most crude reserves in northeast, loots oil to strangle country... 1 rtcom
VC firms are pouring billions of dollars into green tech 1 rtcom
Kamala Harris’ identity crisis: Asian activists want more representation, reporters just want an interview 1 rtcom
Can fuel cell cars compete with the EV boom? 1 rtcom
Arizona mayor declares state of emergency, says Biden admin sending busloads of illegal immigrants to his town 1 rtcom
Moscow Metro sets а new record 1 rtcom
Lukashenko shares thoughts on future of Ukraine 1 rtcom
Fyodor Lukyanov: Trump’s return would be the EU’s worst nightmare 1 rtcom
Cannabis ‘smell test’ used by police to raid house & assault ‘suspects’ (VIDEO) 1 rtcom
Mighty Monsanto: Veteran cartoonist fired for pro-farmer, anti-Big Ag piece 1 rtcom
Syrian opposition asks US-led coalition to halt strikes after reports of mass civilian casualties 1 rtcom
Labour purge sees disability campaigner pictured with Owen Smith suspended 1 rtcom
Hungary set to reject Merkel’s refugee quotas in ‘existential’ referendum 1 rtcom
Dozens of Fight for $15 protesters arrested at rallies demanding higher pay across country 1 rtcom
Rep. Gabbard calls on US govt to stop ‘supporting terrorists’ after meeting Syria civilians & Assad 1 rtcom
Turkey, armed rebels seek to derail Astana talks – Syrian govt delegation head 1 rtcom