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News Article Title Version Source Discovered
‘Ready to nuke Twitter’? Justice Thomas blasts ‘control’ of social media giants, as SCOTUS dismisses lawsuit over Tru... 1 rtcom
Resign or be fired: Sean Spicer & Kellyanne Conway among 11 Trump appointees Biden is PURGING from military academy b... 1 rtcom
Israeli PM Netanyahu misses deadline to form government coalition, President Rivlin to decide next move 1 rtcom
Pentagon steps up training for Ukrainian troops – media 1 rtcom
#TurkeyCoupAttempt: How it developed 1 rtcom
NATO’s bid for global dominance could lead to new Cuban missile crisis - top Russian senator 1 rtcom
Internet denied: What’s behind the massive DDoS attacks 1 rtcom
Saudi women to get state services without male guardian’s permission 1 rtcom
Assange: Clapper lied to Congress, DCLeaks published GOP documents in 2016 1 rtcom
Happy 60th birthday, Sputnik! How USSR launched mankind’s first satellite (PHOTO, VIDEO) 1 rtcom
‘Systematically murdered’: Cancer-stricken Brit detained in Dubai describes ‘barbaric’ treatment 1 rtcom
Afghan civilians recall airstrikes that leveled their villages & killed families (VIDEO) 1 rtcom
White House anti-doping summit signals who’s pulling the strings in campaign against Russia 1 rtcom
Ancient 140K-year-old ‘Dragon Man’ skull found hidden in Chinese well where it languished, abandoned, for decades 1 rtcom
Seoul eyes welcoming hundreds of stranded & allied Afghans, reluctant to see US fly in Afghan refugees to live at mil... 1 rtcom
Uproar after German parliament committee head suggests preparing for INTERVENTION in Afghanistan...again 1 rtcom