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News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Pro-Kremlin regional heads leading in Russian elections, Navalny allies & far-right win city council seats in Siberia... 1 rtcom
Atlantic fuels ‘white supremacist’ fears with claim Oath Keepers militia packed with cops & vets are plotting civil war 1 rtcom
EU could approve Russian-made Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine for use as early as February, amid concern over missed shipm... 1 rtcom
‘Entire paragraph of lies’: Carlson fires back at NSA after spy organization claims he is NOT their target in ‘non-de... 1 rtcom
Chinese media warn Taiwanese leaders against acting as ‘strategic pawns’ of US, calls Afghan crisis a ‘lesson’ for them 1 rtcom
‘Just a mention please!’ Trump demands credit for US vaccination plan as media report 100% of House Dems got the jab,... 1 rtcom
‘Hurt dignity’: China complains after US broadcast of Olympics leaves Taiwan off Chinese map 1 rtcom
‘Serial failure’: Former head of UK’s disastrous ‘Test and Trace’ programme draws ridicule and anger after seeking to... 1 rtcom
‘Neither legal nor constitutional’: Virginia teacher who was put on leave for opposing gender pronoun rules SUES scho... 1 rtcom
Gitmo’s oldest inmate approved for release after being held for 16 YEARS without charge 1 rtcom
UK’s Dept for Education ridiculed by left for encouraging kids to celebrate One Britain One Nation Day… but some Brit... 1 rtcom
Flip meets flop: Biden reverses course on refugee policy after criticism, QUADRUPLES CAP to 62,500 despite border crisis 1 rtcom
‘Are you here to apologize?’ Gina Carano convicted of crimes against wokeness on SNL – where she can’t fight back 1 rtcom
Why China must restrain itself from enforcing its South China Sea claim 1 rtcom
US judge denies bail to black Trump supporter 1 rtcom
Indian state orders probe into mass deaths in local hospital 1 rtcom