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News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Facebook bans RT’s digital content project Redfish after posts marking end of Mussolini’s dictatorship and Holocaust ... 1 rtcom
UK foreign minister accused of ‘dereliction of duty’ after not making urgent call to help airlift Afghan translators ... 1 rtcom
Iran's return to oil markets is imminent 1 rtcom
Olympic swimming champion apologizes for role in Capitol riot, but leftists are still demanding that his medals be st... 1 rtcom
Stolen US Army pistol linked to 4 New York shootings, but military didn’t even know it was missing – media 1 rtcom
OPEC's spat isn’t even about oil – it's about what comes after oil 1 rtcom
US shocked after National Guardsmen kicked out of Capitol Building and forced to lodge at parking lot after inauguration 1 rtcom
Snowden skewers Big Tech, ‘amoral’ capital firms for enabling ‘Insecurity Industry’ & calls for urgent action before ... 1 rtcom
‘Dumbest idea in Senate history’? Graham slams plan to wedge amnesty proposal into overstuffed infrastructure bill 1 rtcom
AOC leads group of Democrats in likely futile effort to block sale of bombs to Israel over Gaza conflict 1 rtcom
One of the ISIS ‘Beatles’ pleads guilty in US court over torture & execution of four American hostages 1 rtcom
‘Is this really a South Korean court?’ Lawsuit by WWII-era forced labor victims against Japanese companies gets rejected 1 rtcom
Democrats crush Bernie Sanders’ push for $15 minimum wage insert into Covid relief bill, despite most Americans suppo... 1 rtcom
UK royals release diversity figures following Harry & Meghan racism allegations, draw more ire for not doing more 1 rtcom
Australian PM walks back tough talk on Covid-hotspot returnees, downplays ‘exaggerated’ criticism of ‘racism’ and jai... 1 rtcom
Twitter lists paid subscription service on app store, rekindling debate about whether new features are worth paying for 1 rtcom