Cuts-hit Birmingham libraries ask public to donate books

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Birmingham’s beleaguered libraries have been reduced to asking the public for book donations following public saving cuts, according to a leaflet obtained by the BBC.

BBC West Midlands posted a picture of the flyer, which cites Birmingham Libraries but bears no city council branding, online on Wednesday, prompting anger from locals. “Books required!” it reads. “Due to public saving cuts we are no longer purchasing any new books or newspapers. Therefore we are looking for any books that have been published in the last 12 months to be donated to the library. All gratefully received.”

Birmingham have built an amazing new library. But there's a snag. This actually makes me really angry.

In 2013, Birmingham opened the £188.8m Library of Birmingham to the public, saying it would “attract over three million visitors a year”, “transform the city’s library service”, and “become a major cultural destination”. In December 2014, the council announced plans to dramatically reduce library opening hours and staff as part of budget cuts, a move protested in May by students who staged a sit-in, according to the Birmingham Mail.

The drive to source book stock from the public has prompted more anger, with the award-winning writer Jonathan Coe, author of What a Carve Up!, tweeting this morning that “the situation in Birmingham libraries is just going from bad to worse”. Local author Lindsey Davis, who writes the bestselling Falco series, also criticised the move.

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“It is just so sad that they are reduced to this,” she said. “I know they are very hard-pressed, and that there have to be cuts somewhere, but this is so short-sighted,” added Davis, who grew up visiting her local Birmingham library as often as she could. “I remember that thrill of going into the library and thinking, I could read any of these books. That is something which should be preserved,” she said.

SJ Watson, author of the bestselling thriller Before I Go to Sleep, tweeted: “Birmingham have built an amazing new library. But there’s a snag. This actually makes me really angry.”

Birmingham city councillor Penny Holbrook told the Guardian: “Councils across the country are having to make hard choices about what can be afforded, and we simply cannot continue to do everything and fund everything we historically have. We are continuing to look at how we secure the future of all our community libraries but whilst that work is underway we need to make tough choices to save money. One of those choices is a pause on the book fund.

“We have never had a situation where we have bought every book suggested to us and at the moment we need to examine all requests for new purchases on a case by case basis, depending on demand. We have always made choices about which books to buy, but clearly we need to be careful and buy those books that are most needed.”

She added: “Whilst we have not corporately asked for donations from the public, and this is the actions of a few libraries, we do of course welcome any support the public wish to give our community libraries and the council in general. However we do not expect the public to make up for cuts to the budget from the government.”