Michael Brown shooting: Where is Darren Wilson now?


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When white Ferguson Police Department officer Darren Wilson shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown, he not only cut short a teenager's life but also changed his own forever.

On Sunday, Brown's family led a memorial rally in the city to mark a year since the teenager died on 9 August, while protests have sporadically lasted over the weekend and into the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Some six day after Brown was shot on 9 August, the authorities revealed that Wilson was the killer, and he was plunged into the internationals spotlight. While he was the focus of anger for many protesters, others groups supported and raised money for him.

Although his actions inadvertently provoked the world-wide Black Lives Matter movement, Wilson has kept a relatively low profile since the shooting - save for an interview with US broadcaster ABC in November after a grand jury decided not to indict him. Days after, he resigned as a police officer.

A year later, Wilson still lives in St Louis, at an address known by only a few friends, according to the New Yorker.

Wilson told the magazine that he hasn't read the two Department of Justice's reports sparked by Brown's death. One concluded that Wilson did not violate federal civil rights law, with the second painting a damning picture of a police force and municipal court structure involved in a "pattern and practice" of discrimination against African Americans. 

Since the shooting, Wilson has tried and failed to find police work elsewhere, he told the magazine.

Wilson and his wife Barb largley lead a secluded life, he told the New York, but said that they visit restaurants now and again.

“We try to go somewhere - how do I say this correctly? - with like-minded individuals,” he said. “You know. Where it's not a mixing pot.”