Pcs' van fight began as 'prank'


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A police officer accused of punching a colleague during a row over who should drive a van has claimed it began as "a bit of joviality".

Defendant Pc Byron Emerson-Thomas, 37, told a court the incident started when he nudged Pc Aled Bartlett not realising he was holding a cup of tea.

Pc Emerson-Thomas denies wounding his colleague, who needed eight stitches after the incident in Cardiff.

He told Newport Crown Court he had acted in self-defence.

Pc Emerson-Thomas, of Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, has been suspended since the incident last May at Fairwater police station in the city.

The court had heard that he allegedly rubbed tea-soaked paper towels into the face and arm of Pc Bartlett, also 37, after he was handed the keys to a Panda car rather than the police van he preferred.

Pc Emerson-Thomas wanted first go in the van because it was fitted with a new radio, the jury has been told.

I punched him because I thought he was going to jab me - I was scared - I feared for my safety Pc Byron Emerson-Thomas

But he denied in court that the use of the van caused the argument.

The jury heard that after spilling the tea, and subsequently wiping the tea-soaked towels on Pc Bartlett, there was an altercation between the pair.

The constable said he could not remember hitting Pc Bartlett at first, and told the court: "It happened so quickly. As far as I was aware, I struck out. I couldn't say if it was a punch."

He said Pc Bartlett threw a bottle of water at him during the row.

"Aled was very angry," he said. "I've never seen him angry."

Pc Emerson-Thomas said his colleague "smashed" a mug of tea into his hand during the row, causing the liquid to go over his own shirt.

"I wanted to get the shirt off me as it was stinging," he said.

He said he lashed out because he feared Pc Bartlett was approaching him to attack him, adding: "Aled's a big bloke. I'd said I was sorry, it was a joke.

"I punched him because I thought he was going to jab me. I was scared. I feared for my safety.


"I didn't realise he had his tea in his hand," he told the court.

He told the court officers often played pranks to "let off a bit of steam" during the 12-hour night shift.

"It's childish. I can't apologise enough. We just messed about. It's what you do on shifts," he said. The constable said he respected Pc Bartlett however, and added: "I wasn't trying to humiliate him."

The court heard the pair were friends, and planned to attend a Lionel Ritchie concert together.

The jury is expected to be sent out to consider their verdict on Thursday.

The trial continues.