Iran allows reformist candidates

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The Iranian body that vets election candidates has reinstated another 251 people who had been banned from running in next month's parliamentary vote.

The authorities have already overturned bans on more than 800 candidates.

Correspondents say it is not clear how much impact the reinstatements will have on the chances of opposition parties in the election.

The newly-approved candidates have very little time now to campaign before the election on 14 March.

A spokesman for the Guardian Council, Abbasali Kadkhodaei, said those reinstated were from different political camps, including reformist candidates who had criticised the council for failing to ensure a competitive race.

The council also oversees all legislation in Iran.

Candidates are vetted to check loyalty to Iran's Islamic revolutionary system.

This process will continue for several weeks and the final list of approved candidates will be announced on 5 March.

Reformists were defeated in 2004 after hundreds of such disqualifications.