Levy on renewables a boost to fracking
http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jul/09/levy-on-renewables-a-boost-to-fracking Version 0 of 1. As renewable energy producers have pointed out, the removal of their exemption from the climate change levy in Wednesday’s budget is likely to drive them from profit into loss, and thus put many of them out of business (Cuts for renewable producers, help for polluters, Budget supplement, 9 July). But isn’t that exactly the hidden policy intention? George Osborne is an enthusiastic supporter of fracking, and wants to restart nuclear power construction in the United Kingdom. How else can he force energy consumers – us, the public – to choose the more expensive fracking and nuclear energy options over cheaper wind and solar unless he first destroys the renewable energy sector?Joseph NicholasLondon |