Giving for Greece: who are the donors bailing out the poor and needy?

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When I wrote about Georgios and Barbara Karvouniaris, destitute but dignified Greeks who had lost jobs and home, and now live in a donated caravan on food hand-outs, I realised it was a powerful story that put a human face on Greece’s tragedy.

What I had not anticipated was the number of Guardian readers, from all corners of the globe, who got in touch asking how they could help: from a businessman keen to commit to a monthly stipend of €100 a month, to a family wanting to send a cheque for $300.

“It is impossible for people in the UK to hear stories like this, so close to home, and do nothing at all,” one reader wrote. “Thanks for highlighting what’s happening to the ‘little people’ – the stories of institutions, broad-stroke decisions and the mistakes of bureaucrats simply don’t paint a true picture of what’s happening.”

Another said he was “very moved by the plight of the Karvouniarises, and would like to donate a few dollars”, while a third said she found the story “so tragic and moving – is there any way at all that I can contribute something to help make their lives easier?”

I was even contacted by a group of renewable energy researchers at a leading British university who wanted – if it was logistically possible – to explore the idea of donating and installing a solar panel for Georgios and Barbara’s caravan, which is not connected to the grid.

The Guardian suspects there are similar cases of private charity helping ease the pain for countless Greeks in their hour of need.

Do you know of any similar initiatives? We would like to hear from anyone who is involved in, or who knows of, grassroots efforts by foreign individuals or groups to help families or communities in Greece affected by the crisis – examples of citizen solidarity?

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