Great Barrier Reef government panel to include climate change experts

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Scientists with expertise in climate change and marine science are among a panel of 16 experts announced to advise the federal government on priorities and actions relating to the Great Barrier Reef.

The panel, who come from academia and institutes including the CSIRO, will be chaired by Australian chief scientist Prof Ian Chubb, environment minister Greg Hunt said in a statement on Saturday.

“The panel will help provide critical advice on the implementation of our reef 2050 long term sustainability plan and ensure we are using our resources to the best possible effect,” Hunt said.

Among those advising the government will be Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg from the University of Queensland, who has worked alongside the Great Barrier Reef Foundation and advised government and industry on the science and urgency associated with climate change.

Also named was Prof Terry Hughes, who is the director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef studies, based at Townsville’s James Cook University.

Related: Planting coral could save Great Barrier Reef from climate change, say scientists

The government has also announced its reef advisory committee, which includes senior members of community and industry reef stakeholders.

They include the Australian Institute of Marine Science, AgForce, tourism operators, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the Queensland Farmers Federation, Queensland Seafood Industry Association and several conservation groups.

Independent experts:

- Ian Chubb, chairman, Australia’s chief scientist- Eva Abals, from the University of Queensland’s Global Change Institute- Andrew Ash, director of CSIRO’s Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship- Mike Bell, principal research fellow from the University of Queensland’s Centre of Plant Science- Damien Burrows, former director of the Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research and a senior researcher specialising in freshwater, estuarine and coastal aquatic ecosystems and catchment management- Bill Dennison, professor of marine science and vice president for science applications at the University of Maryland in the US, formerly at the University of Queensland, specialising in marine ecosystem health- Geoff Garrett, Queensland’s chief scientist- Stefan Hajkowicz, principal scientist in strategic foresight at CSIRO- Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, inaugural director of the Global Change Institute and professor of marine science at the University of Queensland- Terry Hughes, director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef studies based at James Cook University- Helene Marsh, distinguished professor of environmental science and dean of graduate research studies at James Cook University- Britta Schaffelke, expert in the research and management of environmental impacts, deteriorating marine water quality, ecology of marine plants and of introduced marine species- Roger Shaw, consultant who chairs the Independent Science Panel for the Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan- Stephan Schnierer, Southern Cross University School of Environment, Science and Engineering- Natalie Stoeckl, James Cook University- Russell Reichelt, adjunct professor at the University of Queensland, chairman and chief executive of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

The reef advisory committee:

- Traditional owner groups in the Great Barrier Reef- AgForce- Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators- Australian Committee of IUCN- Australian Institute of Marine Science- CareFish- CSIRO- Great Barrier Reef Foundation- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Local Marine Advisory Committees- Local Government Association of Queensland- Queensland Conservation Council- Queensland Farmers Federation- Queensland Ports Association- Queensland Resources Council- Queensland Seafood Industry Association- Regional Natural Resource Management Groups Collective- World Wildlife Fund

Source: Environment Minister Greg Hunt