Teachers play the system to hit league table and exam targets, says report
Version 0 of 1. More than two-thirds of teachers have considered the performance of their school in league tables when choosing which subjects to offer pupils, an unpublished report from the exam regulator Ofqual reveals. Four out of five have focused their efforts on borderline “C” students because the numbers of pupils gaining grades A-C are the key to success in such tables. And nearly two-thirds have sought out “easier” exam boards to achieve success, the report finds. The findings are contained in a 47-page document prompted by evidence seen by Ofqual suggesting that teachers and schools were playing the system, and in some instances cheating to attain professional success. Earlier this year one of the country’s premier state primary schools, Grinling Gibbons primary school in Deptford, London, had its exam results wiped out amid doubts over the accuracy of pupils’ scores. Last week a headteacher at the leading St Patrick’s Primary Academy in Solihull, West Midlands, was sacked amid claims that pupils’ answers were altered after a maths examination had finished. Shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt said he feared that ministers’ narrow focus on exam results and league tables was corrupting the system. He said: “Young people are being short-changed as a result of this government’s chaotic changes to the system of qualifications – ever-narrowing options are limiting choices and chances. It seems that decisions about the school curriculum are being based on the outcomes of certain accountability systems instead of what’s right for the future of young people. This is a worrying revelation.” Ofqual’s report, Assessment Practices in Schools, based on anonymous information provided by more than 500 teachers, suggests that dubious behaviour among teachers seeking the best results is relatively widespread. It found a host of techniques being used by teachers and school leadership teams to gain an advantage. Among the findings, consultants hired by Ofqual reported that 25% (133 respondents) said they had experience of pupils being removed from the roll to boost results. Similarly, 21% cited experience of “schools finding ways to pick and choose the pupils they take in”. Nearly half (49%) experienced student qualification choices being steered towards those they will perform well in, rather than those they enjoy or those that would aid future employment. The report quoted one teacher as saying: “Too much is done because heads are scared into meeting targets so staff are bullied into going above and beyond and at times do ‘unacceptable’ things because of the pressure of no excuses. “Children are bullied, bribed and humiliated to meet targets … Offered money, picked up out of their house on a Saturday to come to school.” Another said: “Schools only offer courses which score ‘points’ rather than what students need to make progress at the lower end of the academic range.” Another told Ofqual: “Qualifications are picked based solely on data and performance rather than the best interest of the student.” A further submission said: “I have been particularly appalled by the way our new academy sponsor has required every single student in our school to take a BTec qualification during Key Stage 4, along with a GCSE in Religious Education (this, explicitly because RE is considered to be an “easy” GCSE).” The revelations come as a report from the thinktank Demos suggests that teachers, in fact, “overwhelmingly recognise the importance of non-formal learning activities, such as sport, debating and volunteering, in improving students’ chances of success in education and adult life”. Jonathan Birdwell of Demos said that discussions with teachers suggested that pressure over league tables and Ofsted had led to these areas being neglected. He said: “The enormous benefits provided by ‘non-formal learning’ or extracurricular activities are now well proven, and this report demonstrates just how highly they are valued by teachers and students alike. “Reforms to Ofsted and teacher training will help to embed non-formal learning, but ultimately it’s up to school heads to forge partnerships with non-formal learning providers that can help to make education more exciting, engaging and better suited to helping all children to succeed both in school and adult life.” The Demos report, published on Monday, found through a survey of 1,000 14-to-18-year-olds that students on free school meals are less likely than their peers to take part in sporting, outdoor or community activities. They are also almost twice as likely to think that school is a waste of time and more likely to report not wanting to go to school most days.Students at state schools are considerably less likely to feel their school provides enough opportunities for extracurricular activities than those at fee-paying schools. Yet nearly three in four (72%) of the 800 teachers asked would support non-formal learning being embedded in the curriculum, and 63% would like to see it made compulsory. Four in five (89%) of teachers do not feel there is sufficient space in the timetable for them to deliver non-formal learning, while 42% cited a lack of teacher training as the main obstacle. |