Since when do we heart human rights lawyers who want the Elgin Marbles back? Version 0 of 1. Well Dave is like omigod babes you will NEVER guess who I met with today, I’m like, I heard, since when do we heart human rights lawyers who want to take the Elgin Marbles back to, like, Elgin, what does *Amal* want? He’s like, God, IDK, there was this like list, Julia Roberts needs a visa, Stella McCartney’s suitcase needs extraditing from Heathrow, can we sort her extension in Sonning, plus she is desperate to go to the Northern Powerhouse can we get her & George a table by a window next Tuesday, God her eyebrows are awesome. I’m like, IKR, do you think they are a barrister thing like wigs, they must be appalling in the heat. He’s like, do you have a white suit, babes, I’m like, soz, only one that covers my thighs :((( He’s like & Amal LOVED my FFS joke #boom. However she thought it meant something rude lol? Related: Schmoozing, bad gags and selfies – it must be PM's Qs I’m like, careful, I would not like to be in your shoes when Govey hears about it, Dave’s like, WTF? I’m like – as in the guidance – no contractions, ditto met with & however. Dave’s like Full Fiscal Shambles babes, the rules are not for *actual* people, obvs, just civil servants. I’m like, so we do not really have to say grace and wear top hats? He’s like, only if you work for Govey lol. I’m like, honestly, what a waste, I have not said however all day, Dave’s like, OMG wait till I tell Lynton, he always said to watch Govey, remember when I literally had to sack him #goodtimes #hilair God I miss Lynton. I’m like *tactful face* well unfort he is not missing you back #justsaying. Dave’s like What The Fiscal do you mean babes, that man loves me like a son. I’m like, well he defo loves Eton, as in literally Boris, then you, and now, ICYMI, Zac? Dave’s like, trust me, not going to happen, classic Lynton bantz, he knows Zac = mortal enemy no way would he do that. I’m like, well perhaps Mr Cobber is *lowers voice* an addict, unless – bear with – he is an unprincipled mercenary who is just messing with our politics for money???!!! Dave’s like, now that is literally Rolling On Fiscal Laughing babes. I’m like, However :((( As seen by Catherine Bennett |