Greece, Isis, famine – and car insurance Version 0 of 1. Did the UK population for this study (Daughters of working mothers do better in life, 25 June) include the women forced into low-paid employment, zero-hours contracts, antisocial hours, soul-destroying cold calling and having to do more than one job to enable the family to survive? How many women can afford not to work? Ann PughWalsall, West Midlands • Wars, Greece, Europe, Isis, earthquakes, plagues of locusts, pestilence, immigration, famine? No, the main front-page picture story in the Guardian is a celebrity who has been quoted an awful lot for car insurance (Sheila Hancock, 63 years’ driving. No claims, 26 June). Could do better.Graham BennettLondon • Now I know that if there is no call from Maryam (Letters, 26 June) then my letter won’t be published. Ends that anticipatory excitement in the morning. Joan FosterChichester, West Sussex |