Pussy bows and stir-fried puppy love


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“The collection’s vibe recalled Fleetwood Mac. Models wore pussy bow blouses and embroidered silk dressing gowns with fur sleeves; pink lace shorts followed men in hairclips. Flared tracksuits made way for Lurex blouses, pie crust collars and large lapels. Handbags were carried by men with Robert Peston hair and Jarvis Cocker glasses.” (Milan fashion week: high-minded mix of old and new guides Gucci revolution”, 23 June.) In addition to the Gucci schmatter, the models followed the apparently universal rule of wearing stern, humourless, robotic expressions. What’s that all about then, eh?Eddie DougallBury St Edmunds, Suffolk

• You refer to the Institute of Economic Affairs as “right-leaning” (Left and right attack Cameron’s tax credit cuts, 23 June). I wonder who you have down as extremists.David RobjantNether Stowey, Somerset

• The word “impact” dates from 1600 and was a verb before it was a noun (c 1781). I assume Michael Gove’s concern (Report, 22 June) is use with a direct rather than an indirect object (“how it impacts me” instead of “how it impacts on me”). Before he lectures us on how to write, he might like to check the facts – but I forget, evidence doesn’t count for much with this administration. Nicola Grove Horningsham, Wiltshire

• Your article (Chinese celebrities join chorus of foreign criticism of dog meat festival, 23 June) reminded me of the recipe you published many years ago for stir-fried puppy (15 July 2001). I think it began with the instruction to “first eviscerate your puppy”. Always wondered if anybody tried it. Yum?Pete LavenderNottingham

• Stuart Watts’ excellent riposte to Peter Bottomley misses the target slightly (Letters, 23 June). Rather than the shareholders deciding who should receive political donations from companies, it should be the employees.Peter NicklinNewcastle upon Tyne