Blind kids 'lose out over books'

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Blind and partially-sighted children face long delays in getting the school books they need, a charity has warned.

The RNIB said few books were published in braille or large print, meaning pupils with sight loss were missing out both educationally and socially.

Teachers and support staff spend long hours re-formatting text and pictures into suitable formats, it said.

The Department of Education said it was working on implementing recommendations given in an April 2007 study.

The RNIB said teachers need a centralised transcription service which makes use of new technology.

It said these requirements were confirmed in last April's report commissioned by the Department of Education, yet no further action had been taken.

In a statement, the Department of Education said it recognised the importance of meeting the needs of all visually-impaired children.

It said that since the scoping study reported in April 2007, the Education and Library Board Regional Strategy Group has been working to progress the recommendations.