Fifth of Britons buy fake goods Version 0 of 1. A fifth of Britons have bought counterfeit goods, a survey conducted for the BBC's Money Programme suggests. Over a third of those people said they had bought pirated DVDs, while 24% said they had bought fake fashion goods such as handbags or sunglasses. Almost a third said they had picked up the goods from a market stall, while 19% said they had bought them overseas. Counterfeit goods cost UK business £11bn a year, according to the Anti-Counterfeiting Group. While the majority of the people surveyed (61%) said they believed buying fakes was theft, 10% saw nothing wrong with buying counterfeit goods. A further 21% said they knew it was wrong and probably theft but they would still buy a counterfeit. The survey was conducted by Ipsos Mori in late November and early December. Of 991 adults surveyed, 19% said they had either bought or suspected they had paid for a counterfeit good. |