Corb’s in – and I’m tempted to rejoin the Labour party

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As a lapsed Labour party member, I am very tempted to rejoin just so I can vote for Jeremy Corbyn (Drama as Corbyn enters Labour race, 16 June). He has anti-austerity policies I support and I am sure he will be marching with us at the national anti-austerity demonstration in London this coming Saturday (20 June). I imagine the other three candidates will be too busy thinking up ways to appeal to the Tories to bother about people like me who want a leftwing alternative (currently the Greens), those who bought the UKIP message as being the party for the working class and lastly, the millions who see no point in voting at all.Karen BarrattWinchester 

• It seems unfair on Noddy to compare him to George Osborne (Letters, 16 June). Noddy was obviously a learned graduate of Dean Swift’s Grand Academy of Lagado (Gulliver’s Travels), where the ingenious building method was to start with the roof and work downwards to the foundations. When the house was finished it could be centrally heated by extracting sunbeams from cucumbers.Paul AdamsLondon

• It was bound to happen: an article on great French thinkers leads someone to put forward the sweeping grand theory that putting forward “sweeping grand theories” is the problem, not the solution (Letters, 16 June). Let the good times roll (in theory).Ivor MorganLincoln

• The AA has erected a sign at Warkworth Castle in Northumberland that reads “Magna Carter”. Get that!Tony GlisterTynemouth

• Dunno about the pronunciation (Letters, 12 June), but here it’s homemade, and if you’re not quick enough, ’sgone.Emyr OwenLlanfairfechan, North Wales

• Should not the countries that led the 2011 attack on Libya – Britain and France – accept all the migrants now leaving its shores?Dr John DohertyVienna, Austria