Alison Morrison stabbing: Victim felt harassment 'would never end'

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A woman who was stabbed to death by her neighbour in north-west London said she felt the harassment from him would "never end", a court has heard.

Trevor Gibbon, 48, is accused of murdering Alison Morrison, 45, in Harrow, on 18 December 2014.

Ms Morrison said in a statement from an earlier magistrates' case the "constant unending harassment" was draining.

Mr Gibbon denies murder but has admitted the killing, arguing he was suffering a mental abnormality.

The Old Bailey heard Mr Gibbon said he was "suffering from an abnormality of mental functioning", which impaired his ability to form rational judgment and exercise self-control.

'Watching us'

The mother-of-one was stabbed 33 times as she made her way to work after a four-year dispute over noise, the jury previously heard.

The day before he ambushed Ms Morrison, Mr Gibbon had pleaded guilty to harassing her family and was issued with a restraining order, the court heard.

The prosecution said the dispute started when Ms Morrison, her husband Cedric and their son moved next door to Mr Gibbon and his partner, Maria Perrett, in Windsor Crescent, Harrow, in 2011.

Almost immediately, Mr Gibbon began complaining about the teenage boy's skateboarding, the court heard.

In the handwritten notes, read out in court, Ms Morrison said the police did not initially believe her after she complained about how Mr Gibbon was treating her family.

She said: "It felt like I was being stalked, that any time Cedric or my son left or returned to the house he was waiting and watching for us and planning what he would do next."

Ms Morrison said she was worried about Mr Gibbon's inability to stop despite the police "constantly visiting him".

"Even now I don't believe he knows how to stop doing what he did and fully expect him to start again when he knows things have quietened down," she wrote.

Ms Morrison also said she was forced to to install £2,000 of CCTV equipment and buy a camera for her husband's bike helmet because of the harassment.

She added: "I have suffered a great financial loss to protect my family from my neighbour and to make sure they are safe."

The case continues.