Two police officers run over by a moped in Lewisham

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Two police officers were taken to hospital with injuries after being run over by a suspect on a moped in Lewisham on Monday night.

The officers were injured at about 23:30 BST on Loampit Vale.

It is thought they were investigating reports of antisocial behaviour and the moped could have been stolen.

A 22-year-old female PC was struck and broke her collar bone. Her colleague, a male PC aged 38, suffered an ankle injury.

Helicopter hunt

Police had been trying to talk to two suspects, aged 16 and 20, on separate mopeds outside the Glass Mill Leisure Centre.

One of them ran over the officers as he was trying to leave the scene, the Met said.

A helicopter was called to help police find the youths and the suspects were arrested a short while later in New Cross.

The 16-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of GBH and the 20-year-old was arrested on suspicion of obstructing police.

Both men have been to a south London police station for questioning.

The officers have now been discharged from hospital.