North East MSP Milne to stand down at next year's Holyrood election

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Scottish Conservative MSP for the North East Nanette Milne has announced she will stand down at next year's Holyrood election.

The former doctor said it had been an honour to serve her constituents since being elected in 2003.

However, Ms Milne expressed concerns that a central belt bias was now dominating the Scottish Parliament.

She added that it was vital for Scotland to have a strong opposition to the Scottish National Party.

It has also been confirmed that fellow Tory and former presiding officer Alex Fergusson will also retire at next May's election.

The Galloway and West Dumfries MSP has been at Holyrood since 1999.

Ms Milne joined the Conservatives in 1974 and was vice-chairwoman of the party between 1989 and 1993.

The list MSP added: "As the Scottish Conservative spokeswoman on public health and a member of the parliament's health and sport committee, I have spent a significant part of my time focused on health issues, which as a former medic I have found very rewarding.

"Looking to the future and the next Scottish Parliament, it is vital that Scotland has a strong opposition to the SNP and that other political voices are heard in the Scottish Parliament."

Scottish Conservative Party leader Ruth Davidson thanked Ms Milne for her commitment to public service.

She added: "Her 40 years in politics have been a study of quiet determination to make things better and to deliver for people in the north east."