Jeb Bush’s campaign debut: protester showdown met with chants of ‘USA’

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Jeb Bush’s official debut as a presidential candidate was marred by rowdy protests from immigration campaigners who disrupted an event otherwise notable for its attempts to broaden the demographic appeal of the Republican party.

Heralded by Cuban singers, introduced by his half-Mexican son and delivered partly in the Spanish, the first big speech by the former Florida governor was intended to demonstrate his credentials as “the new face of America”.

Yet just as Bush was reminding the diverse Miami crowd of his own heritage as the third member of his family to seek the US presidency, the otherwise slick event briefly descended into a noisy exchange of chants.

“In this country of ours, most improbable things can happen,” began Bush. “And that’s from the guy who met his first president on the day he was born and his second on the day he was brought home from the hospital. The person who handled both introductions is here today ... please say hello to my wonderful Mom, Barbara Bush.”

Related: Jeb Bush makes presidential pitch: 'We will take command of our future again'

Before the crowd could turn to welcome the former first lady, a group of 20 campaigners ripped off their shirts to reveal bright yellow protest signs and began heckling Bush over his threat to reverse Barack Obama’s promised legal recognition for undocumented immigrants.

Immigration protestors interrupt Bush as he introduces his mother on stage. Drowned out by supporters in rowdy scenes

“USA, USA, USA,” roared the crowd back in an attempt to drown out the protest that felt awkwardly nationalistic, but prompted Bush to address the campaigners directly.

“And by the way, just so that our friends know,” he replied. “The next president of the United States will pass meaningful immigration reform so that it will be solved, not by executive order!”

More than any of the Republican candidates, Bush has made a virtue of his support for comprehensive immigration reform, but opposes Obama’s attempt to do so without support from Congress.

Organisers seemed wary of the risk of protests, which have also dogged many of Obama’s speeches this year. Seven children who travelled five hours from Tampa to be at the launch were removed by uniformed staff shortly before Bush took the stage, apparently because they were seen as “a security threat”.

American Dreamer children came to hear #Jeb talk about immigration but say they were thrown out as security threat

The group were so-called Dreamers – the children of undocumented parents who have no legal status in the US – who had tickets to the event and had been through security checks to get in.

“They said they thought we were going to stage some kind of protest, but we came to listen,” said Daniel Barajas, executive director of the Young American Dreamers group that brought the children, aged five to 15. The children all wore their green Dreamers T-shirts to the Miami rally.

“Bush has said that he would revoke Obama’s executive orders, so if he’s removing the protections that the Dreamers have then we have the right to expect an alternative,” Barajas said. “We wanted to hear about that alternative but instead we’re sitting outside. It’s very upsetting.”

The Republican frontrunner made few other direct references to immigration policy during his speech, which sought to recast him as a political outsider ready to take on Washington’s establishment.

“In any language, my message will be an optimistic one because I am certain that we can make the decades just ahead in America the greatest time ever to be alive in this world,” said Bush. “That chance, that hope, requires the best that is in us, and I will give it my all.”

He drew his most enthusiastic reaction from the crowd when attacking Barack Obama and leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who he claimed was looking to emulate his liberal agenda.

“The most galling example is the galling treatment of the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Christian charity that dares to voice objections of conscience to Obamacare,” he said to wild applause. “It comes down to a choice between the Little Sisters and Big Brother, and I’m going with the sisters.”

The tone of the event was less strident than many Republican primary events however, and seemed pitched partly at winning over floating voters.

One observer, Sarah Farley, considers herself more in the Hillary Clinton camp, despite her husband – a yacht broker in South Carolina – being what she calls “a generous donor” to Jeb Bush’s political action committee. Emerging from a VIP reception for supporters before the rally, she said she could yet be lured away.

“We lived in Florida when Jeb Bush was governor and he was a good leader,” she said. “I don’t think his father or brother did a particularly good job [as president] but Jeb has the potential to be someone different. He is more personable and his policies are more moderate. The question to me is whether the country wants another Bush. I’m doubtful about that.”

Other supporters leaving the venue were overwhelmingly delighted with the Bush speech, with one or two notes of caution.

Maria Rodrigues, a student from Venezuela studying political science in her home country, said she found the tone largely boring. “I like the guy but what is he offering for young people,” she said. “It’s harder than ever for young people to get a home and a job, they’re the real things that matter. He said everything, all the things we expected him to say, but it wasn’t very exciting.”

Retired space programme worker Jim Handley and his wife Cynthia, by contrast, heard a “dynamic and fresh” speech from the only Republican candidate they see as worthy of the nomination.

“He’s the complete package and I pray he is elected president,” said Mrs Handley, who with her husband considers Bush a personal friend after decades of helping to run his campaigns as Republican volunteers in Florida’s Brevard County since the early 1990s.

“His remarks on the direction of the country were spot on, “ Mr Handley said. “I am a supporter of Marco Rubio, but Jeb has the experience of governing that Marco doesn’t.”

As a high school student in the city with hopes to one day attend the Miami-Dade college where today’s launch took place, Martin Folk, 17, said he was pleased with Bush’s views on education choice. “He said he thought the government should have nothing to do with setting standards, I agree with that,” he said.

“Why can’t children be able to go to any school their parents choose? I go to a good school but I have friends who don’t and can’t switch out. I like what he said about every child being important and having the same rights and opportunities.”

For Jim Wong, a Miami social worker, it was Bush’s promise to stand up to Congress, and improve the economy with 19 million new jobs, which resonated the most. “Finally we might get a president who is not frightened to use real power to push his agenda and get things done,” he said.

“If you get families working they spend more, the economy improves and everyone’s life gets better,” Wong said. “Bush was right, things have been moving too slowly and it’s time for a change.”