Schools in greener areas have more attentive pupils, study suggests

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Children who go to primary schools that are surrounded by greenery show improved cognitive development compared with peers at less green schools, according to research. The study monitored 2,500 children in Barcelona over a 12-month period and found that those whose schools had more green space in and around them had better working memory and less inattentiveness.

It builds on previous research into the positive effect on health and wellbeing of green patches in dense urban areas, but goes further by suggesting that a green environment could lead to improved academic achievement among children.

Researchers at the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona used computer tests to monitor the cognitive development of children aged seven to 10 in 36 schools across the city every three months between January 2012 and March 2013. They found that exposure to greenery within and around schools, which was measured by satellite data, was linked with enhanced mental ability to continuously manipulate and update information – faculties known as working memory and superior working memory respectively.

Furthermore, it was linked with reduced inattentiveness among children, regardless of ethnicity, maternal education and parental employment. The study is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal. Part of the positive effect may be explained by air pollution or the lack of it. No significant link was observed between exposure to greenery at home and cognitive development.

Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, one of the lead researchers, said: schools should attempt to “green” their environment. “If you put some trees there, I’m sure you will see some effect overall. Your school marks will go up a little bit.”

Dr Ross Cameron, senior lecturer in landscape management, ecology and design at Sheffield University, said: “This builds on previous studies that have suggested green space is important for cognitive development in children. It also is a fundamental principle in the ‘forest schools’ movement, where children are often more engaged and motivated when taught in a green and natural environment.

“There are a number of theories as to why cognitive development can be aided by such green spaces: the environments themselves are more stimulating, and general attention levels can be enhanced, or students can feel more relaxed and at ease, so pay more attention to their studies. It could also be feasible that large areas of green space are helping absorb aerial pollutants including CO2, which at high concentrations can make people feel drowsy.”

Prof Andy Jones, of the Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, said the study had limitations. “The data is a large sample of Barcelona schoolchildren. They measure cognitive development using widely accepted tests. However, their measure of green space is a simple measure of the amount of vegetation in the areas around where the children live and go to school.

“It does not therefore necessarily measure the amount of publicly accessible green space, such as public parks, in the neighbourhoods. Further, the researchers only know the amount of vegetation present, not whether the children actually came into contact with it.”