Murder police send mobile appeals

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Detectives probing the murder of a 77-year-old woman in her home have sent mobile phone appeals with a picture of a man they want to talk to.

Georgina Edmonds was found dead by her son at her home in Kiln Lane in Brambridge, Hampshire, on 11 January.

The appeal was sent to phones with Bluetooth technology within a 100m radius of a transmitter in a police car patrolling Eastleigh last Friday.

More than 225 people received the message between 1800 and 2100 GMT.

Targeting young people

The picture featured a man using Mrs Edmonds' bank card at the cash machine at Tesco Express, Twyford Road, Eastleigh, at around 2240 GMT on the day she was killed.

Earlier, murder squad detectives revealed they had discovered Mrs Edmonds' mobile phone as they searched a path that runs along the River Itchen.

They also released a map showing a number of people they want to talk to, who were seen in the area on the day the mother-of-two was killed.

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Det Ch Insp Paul Barton, of Hampshire Constabulary, said: "Bluetooth messaging is particularly good at reaching sections of the community that don't access traditional marketing campaigns, such as young people."

Mrs Edmonds' daughter returned to England from working as a nurse in Kenya and Sudan to appeal for help in finding her mother's killer.

A distinctive key fob, Mrs Edmonds' cash card, cheque book and handbag have all been missing since the killing.

Four men were arrested on 14 January. Three were released without charge while a 37-year-old man was released on bail.

Post-mortem tests showed Mrs Edmonds died of extensive head injuries. An inquest into her death was due to open.

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1: 1200 GMT: White man, mid-late 30s, medium build, short dark receding hair (widow's peak)2: 0930 GMT or 1230 GMT: White man, late 50s to early 60s, 5ft 10in to 5ft 11in, medium build, with a Scottie dog3: 1610 GMT: Man with full head of dark hair4: 1300 GMT: White man, 40s, 6ft to 6ft 1in, gingerish stubble, scruffy light green jacket5: 1300 GMT to 1330 GMT: Man, 18 to 30, 5ft 9in to 6ft, grey loose-fitting tracksuit6: 1415 GMT: Man, under 30, 5ft 10in to 5ft 11in, slim to medium, short fair hair7: 1300 GMT: White man, 30 to 40, 5ft 10in to 5ft 11in, slim, olive tone skin, prominent cheekbones8: 1340 GMT: Man, 30 to 50, 6ft, lean build, short pale brown hair, thin angular face9: 1400 GMT: White man, 5ft 10in, proportionate build10: 1430 GMT to 1445 GMT: White man, 25 to 28, 5ft 10in, dark hair, unshaven, unkempt round face11: 1345 GMT: White man, 30 to 35, 6ft 2in to 6ft 3in, thin face (cheekbones showing), dark brown collar-length hair12: 1455 GMT: White man, 30 to 40, 5ft 7in to 5ft 10in, slim to medium build, dark brown collar-length hair

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