Defining censorship in Gaddafi’s Libya Version 0 of 1. All this fuss over the possible banning of TV programmes that could encourage terrorism uses the term “censorship” too widely (Report, 23 May). When I was seconded by the BBC to help set up Libyan television in 1969, I had a discussion after Gaddafi’s revolution with the Libyan head of programmes about the banning of one of my programmes. “Before the revolution, you complained about censorship,” I said to him, “but you are doing the same thing.” “No,” he said. “Censorship is bad people cutting out good things, but this is good people cutting out bad things.” I had no answer.Karl SabbaghNewbold on Stour, Warwickshire • I am the mother of an only child. Whenever I encounter the “only one” reaction (Opinion, 22 May), I remember the fable of the fox and the lion. The fox, who has many children, commiserates with the lion, who has only one. The lion replies: “Yes, but mine’s a lion.”Joanna KennedyLondon • Little did I think, having left a stagnant Ireland in the 80s, that I would today be making sheep’s eyes from an increasingly illiberal Britain, on the brink of dismantling its Human Rights Act, toward my increasingly liberal homeland as it votes for equal marriage.Gillian TraversHarrow, Middlesex |